Smart and Active Teaching Learning Methodologies

In many schools, teachers feel their teaching job very boring and dull; while students feel very uneasy with the teachers and also with the school. It is because of our routine working system. In several schools, teachers are not interested to do some innovative. They feel easy and comfortable with traditional teaching style and think nothing should be done.

In these situations, it is very difficult to improve the situation. But it is not a solution! There are several ways to develop the education and classroom teaching. Teachers have to open their mind for new ideas and also new challenges. They have to welcome the innovative ideas and innovative teaching learning methodologies. They have to discover the new models and new techniques to create an interest among their students and their staff.

Many educators have been searching new and effective classroom teaching learning techniques for their schools. They want to make learning fun. Would you like to do something innovative in your school? Why not?

If you have such questions like-
How to make a smart classroom?
How to make classroom teaching active?
How to make teaching interesting and smart?
How can we make interesting and smart classroom environment?
What is the smart way of teaching?
What are the active teaching techniques?
What is the smart teaching?
What are the elements of active learning methodologies in the classroom?
If your answer is “Yes” than this article is for you.

We are living in such world where many persons have been doing a lot of work for learning theories, innovative learning styles, effective learning styles, developing advanced learning resources, different learning skills, self directed learning, interactive learning and virtual learning also. Now we are familiar with smart learning, smart class learning and we are going to introduced e learning and online education in our classrooms. So it will be very nice to know about these smart, active, interactive and modern learning methodologies. Internet technique helps us to discover more smart learning methodologies. Now it is possible to discuss about our teaching learning experiences to wider community through internet. Many persons are doing a nice work in this field to make awareness about innovative education and e learning.

There are several innovative and smart teaching learning methodologies to make our classroom smart, active, innovative and interesting.

Active learning methodology

Active-learning methodology is an active methodology for teachers. In A.L.M. there are main focus on the student’s activity and group activity. Teachers have to help the students to learn. Now teacher's role is changing in learning. Teacher is as a facilitator in learning.

Smart Class Smart learning

Smart learning is the new vision in education using computer, internet and multimedia in classroom teaching. It is really a smart teaching learning way, because it is the teaching of the modern age. Smart learning introduces worldwide approach in our classrooms.

Teaching in Smart school Class is very interesting.

Internet is the ocean of knowledge. Smart learning is a smart and innovative learning concept for smart teachers of a smart school. Smart learning gives a unique learning opportunities to the students. There are many teaching strategies that can be employed to actively engage students in the learning process. Some of these are group discussions, problem solving, case studies, role plays, journal writing, and structured learning groups.

Activity Based Learning

It is an active learning technique, useful in various subjects. It makes teaching learning more interesting. It is more useful in primary and Pre- primary classes. Activity Based Learning provide great opportunities to the students through interesting activities. It may be used in our day by day classroom teaching easily. Now many boards prefer to adopt Project Based Learning or PBL.

Some Active Teaching Learning Techniques
E Learning: The Digital Innovation in Education ActiveLearning Methodology
Interactive Puzzles in Language Learning