Indoor Science Activities for Schools

Indoor science activities for school. Science is an interesting subject, but in many schools it is taught by routine methods like reading books or writing questions answers and finish. Some innovative teachers teach science by some captivating and innovative way, and they become able to create interest among the students. Actually science needs to be taught by different methodologies like activity-based learning, active learning methodology and so more. Science is a subject enriched with numerous fascinating activities. 

Science activities can be done within classroom

Many relevant activities are given at the end of textbooks. Some activities may be done in classrooms with the available resources, while others need the special materials and equipment. It is not necessary that which type of resources we have in school, while it is more important what we are doing in our classrooms. It is an innovative idea for teacher to play a role of facilitator in learning. There are many indoor science activities for school. If you're teaching in a middle school, what is your next idea about 6th class science activities.

There are many teaching techniques may be used in classroom; like project-based learning, experiment-based learning, observation-based learning, classroom project ideas and so more. Let’s discuss them.
Projects-Based Learning (Learning by Science Projects):

Ideas for a Science Teacher

For a school teacher, there are a lot of science projects ideas. Teacher can adopt any idea to apply in his class. Did you use indoor class games? Students can learn easily by science projects. In a middle school up to 8th grade, there are several ideas for science projects given in each lesson. There are many ideas about how to make a project on science, social science or any topic. Teacher can motivate and facilitate the students to make these projects in school.

Experiment-Based Learning in Science:

Experiments play a lasting impression on the student’s memory. In 6th to 8th grade there are many science experiments could be done in classroom within easily available resources. Some interesting science experiments may be use within the class. While teaching a lesson about “The stages of matter”, it is a smart idea to arrange the teaching materials in class like water, balloon, chalk, and charts. If students realize that they are doing experiments, or they are discovering anything, their confidence level will be increased automatically. Science experiments are the great way to create interest among the students. To arrange an outside program like visiting regional science centers is a nice idea.

Observation-Based Learning in Science:

Part of plant teaching

While teaching about the parts of a plant, it will be very pleasant to observe a living plant. Tell the students to observe its parts. Thereafter, go to class and summarize the observations. It is an innovative idea for teaching to make the concepts easy and clear by visiting method.

Role of a Science Teacher in Science Activities

 A science teacher should be an investigator, a researcher, and a person of scientific attitude. If he possesses these qualities, he can arrange numerous activities in his classrooms. In a middle school (classes 6th to 8th) science syllabus there are several topics where a teacher can arrange teaching learning materials easily like candle, glass, sugar, jar, jug, paper, scissors, wax, balloons, cloths, and cardboard. These materials are easily available. By using these materials, he can arrange many learning materials and science practical. If he wants to describe that air takes space, he can demonstrate it easily. There are a lot of science experiments may be done in classroom.

Teaching Learning Sources in Science Teaching

Awsome teaching resources in science

Many good books on science games are available in market which may be very useful to teachers. These science games may be liked by the students. Science experiments and science games are a great tool to make science is a funny and interesting subject for students. Try to prepare a list of such science experiments.

Teaching Learning materials are very helpful in teaching. You can work on T.L.M. (Teaching Learning Material). If you want to do something captivating, innovative and smart, then computer and internet is a great tool for inspiring the students. If we would like to teach a lesson about “The status of the matter”, we have two ideas to explain this concept; the first is by making a model (Teaching Learning Material) of the distribution of the molecules and if we have computers, we can explain this topic by a multimedia lesson.

Physical resources and learning excitement  

Attractive wall paintings and flex can be used to make a better learning environment as well.

School garden, building decoration and furniture can be used for making an innovative and creative environment.

Education portals helpful for teachers to teach science

Many educational portals provide such type multimedia lesson plans where the students can understand the concepts easily by an interesting way. Yes, there are many online learning games available for the students. These innovative learning techniques are very useful for the classrooms. In a smart school, where the teachers use computers and projectors in their teaching, they can make science learning straightforward and exciting. The teachers can prepare their smart lesson plans according to the needs and levels of the students. In an “e-learning Class”, the teacher is also a facilitator. He can motivate the students to prepare the online projects for each topic.

How to create scientific attitude among the students?

It is a relevant question for teachers that how to create scientific attitude among the students. Before finding the answers, we have to think why we need to create scientific attitude in the students. Teachers who “read the textbooks”; they must know that the main purpose of science teaching is to create the scientific attitude among the students. If teachers teach science without considering this point, they are doing only his teaching work, they are not fulfilling the objectives of education. So developing the scientific attitude should be an important aim for teachers.

Techniques and equipment

There are several innovative, creative and interesting techniques for this; like using scientific equipment in teaching, using demonstration methods while teaching and so many. There are many extracurricular activities for teachers like “Science Club”, “Science Exhibitions”, Science Puzzles, simple educational puzzles, Science Tricks and Games, “Science Movie” and making Science Models. Teacher is a main character who can motivate the students by many ways.

More ideas to share  

These are my ideas. This blog is for education, innovative education e-learning and online education. Visitors may share their teaching learning experiences here. You are invited to share your ideas and experiences with us.

Innovative ideas makes science learning interesting.