Useful Keywords for Teachers

Useful Keywords for Teachers. How appreciation and encouragement can help to learn is an interesting question for teachers because teachers have to face many types of learning and behavioral problems in classrooms. There is a story that can help to understand the importance of these two words.

Useful Keywords for Teachers


In this story, there was an experiment done by a middle school teacher among 6th to 8th-grade students. There were two types of students, one who belong to a village and the other students who belong to another village. Obviously, there was a special classification of those two types of students. Let's suppose group 'A' and group 'B'.

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Activity-Based Learning

The teacher uses different types of techniques for group 'B' students. He uses admiration and encouragement for each activity. For example, when they reply to any question he appreciated them with smart words like 'great', 'very nice', very fine, you answered this 'very nicely', 'Wah!' Your answer is very accurate' etc.

Appreciative words are the Useful Keywords for Teachers

The teacher treated them with a full of joy. He prompted them and when they are near to answer, he helped them and appreciated them for every activity. In this experiment, he did not treat group 'A' students as group 'B'.


After a period of one month, he found group 'B' students smart, energetic, eager to learn, and easy to grasp while group 'A' students could not achieve these qualities and traits so.

Appreciation Message

What message do we find in this experiment? We find from this experiment that admiration and appreciation are very useful techniques for learning the students better. Why? Why is admiration so useful?

Many teachers use Keywords

Useful Keywords for Teachers. Appreciation and encouragement help in learning? Important words can be used in classroom teaching to accelerate children.

What happens when we appreciate anyone, and why can he achieve better and best? These questions may be the questions of psychology, but we find that there are many keywords useful for teachers and many teachers use them in their classrooms.

A good teacher is like a friend, a facilitator, and a guide who knows his students better and better and also knows how he can achieve the best output.

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