Dear readers, welcome to Education Today. This blog is designed for teachers, parents, school administrators and parents.

About Education Today

In this time there is a smart change in education and educational system. Educational blogs and educational websites are playing a great role in this time. So I think to write about education, teaching and learning. My blog “Innovative Education” is for educational purpose.

A Blog About Innovative Education

       This blog “Innovative Education” is for education, innovative education, e Learning, online education, smart learning, smart school, smart class, active learning, innovative learning, smart tips for teachers, teaching methodologies and for educational articles. Actually, modern education is going to be smart, active, and online. Yes, it is the age of innovative education. Modern education needs to train the teachers in educational technology. Social learning websites will play a great role in educating the people. If we are a teacher we have to be updated with modern trends in education and different educational blogs and websites are very useful for teachers.

Let's Talk about Education.

Different levels teaching learning content

different levels teaching learning content in school

    Let's talk about education and related issues. I think in coming next years, there will be some fast changes in the schools and education system; so teachers have to prepare for these changes and opportunities of the future. Now a day's many educational websites and blogs are providing different levels of teaching learning content. So it is important to identify the most suitable websites and blogs for our educational needs. Let's talk about education; the changing power of the society and the world.

Really, it is a great platform for teachers and parents.

Why this blog named as “Innovative Education”?

Now at this time different educational websites and blogs are writing about smart and innovative education. “Innovative Education” is the concept of next generation education system using smart, interactive and website based teaching learning module. Innovations are the need of time; similarly, education needs innovation.     

 Modern education system is going to be smart, innovative, and online. Modern education is defining the teacher's role as a smart teacher and teacher as a facilitator of learning.  There are many innovative learning methodologies to be used within the classroom as active learning methodologies, activity based learning, e-learning and online learning. I want to write about these learning methodologies. Let's talk about the modern trends in learning. In this blog I put some nice tips for teachers, students and for those who are interested in education. In this blog, we can share our ideas and experiences on several innovative and friendly teaching learning methodologies.

Smart Educational Blog:

Smart school and smart class are the most attractive concept in modern days. So I try to write some posts about smart class, smart class equipment like whiteboards etc. I also write on smart learning games, innovative learning techniques and also on e-learning.
     To improve our education system, it is more remarkable thing to develop an effective and desired leadership quality among the school managers and the teachers. I want to publish few articles on “SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT” in my blog “Innovative Education”.

I think that this blog is a place to share our teaching learning experiences. So please feel free to share your valuable ideas about this blog. You may share this blog via Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and so many social networking sites. You may share your ideas as a comment on my blog also. Are you a web developer or a researcher? Want to discuss educational issues on different social networking sites? It will be very useful to go on my links.
Anil Sahu Teacher

Thanks to visit my Blog and I hope you will come back here soon.
Have a nice day.
Anil Sahu,

About Me

I am a school teacher in GNMS Ghana Tunda (M.P.), India. I have been teaching from class 6th to 8th. I am post graduate in Botany. Likewise, I have been writing since my school days. Furthermore, I wrote many articles and stories in Hindi. This blog is for educational purpose. This blog is for sharing ideas about teaching learning and educational articles.

I created a page on Google+, so you may visit my page also named “Innovative Education” a page for educational links. I put some nice lines from Hindi Shayary for your entertainment also. So keep visiting this Blog again and again. Move your cursor at the right corner of this blog, there are some pleasant things for you. Now you can read world's top educational news headlines with their links.